Friday, February 13, 2015

Today's Tools

Each morning after I've prepared lunches, fed breakfast to my children and had my coffee, I sit down for a few minutes before the mad rush and read a couple of blogs featured on my sidebar.  Off and on by the end of the day I get through most of them.

This morning I am supremely grateful that I read Zen Habits' post on Savor Discipline:  Merge the Interests of your Present and Future Selves.  If you are conscious of the argument taking place inside your mind when you are craving something unhealthy, then this is a good little post to read.  My takeaway was an ah-ha about the many, many future selves that are impacted by my immediate choices.  Leo Babauta beautifully proposes a new way to view your immediate choices, sometimes allowing your present self to enjoy the treat, necessitating your future selves to choose the carrot or healthy option.  Most times, though, we can forego immediate pleasure and seek and find pleasure in the healthy foods that will support a healthy and fit life.  Bingo!  This is what I'm seeking to do more of in my life.  Experiencing the pleasure in a bowl of ripe berries.

When I completed the full fast and was reintroducing food, I can't tell you how much pleasure I felt in eating a beautiful salad, a strawberry, or an avocado.  It was incredible to enjoy chewing and tasting the subtle flavors of these healthy foods.

Truthfully, there have been a couple of times since the fast when the donut looked good, and I had one.  I'll be honest and say that the grease tasted terrible.  My memory of eating donuts was much happier than than the pleasure of the present experience eating it.  It is important to make note of that.  It's just food, after all, and if I can develop new pleasurable memories associated with healthy foods, then I think it will pave the way for a healthier life without feeling like I'm sacrificing anything.   I think those new memories will come from repeated mindful experiences enjoying those foods.  I'll work on it.


Gwen said...

oooh, haven't read Leo's newest post! I ADORE his work! Can't wait to read it. Thanks!

happyinca said...

Gwen, I have you to thank for introducing me to this blog! Love it!

Wendy said...

"an ah-ha about the many, many future selves that are impacted by my immediate choices" - Yes! This is an amazing awareness, I read this yesterday and am still thinking about it. It really hits home about what makes bad choices, bad.
This is really food for thought.
Good post! Hope your berries were good. :)

Wendy said...

"an ah-ha about the many, many future selves that are impacted by my immediate choices" - Yes! This is an amazing awareness, I read this yesterday and am still thinking about it. It really hits home about what makes bad choices, bad.
This is really food for thought.
Good post! Hope your berries were good. :)